Welcome to FEMALE. Connections Club where you will 

  • Get your business out there

  • Find the right connections for your business

  • Receive referrals to scale your business

  • Build your brand with new connections

  • Grow your business organically

  • Meet likeminded business women

  • Collaborate with the perfect fit to scale your business

  • Build solid relationships

  • Show up for your business on a weekly commitment

Be part of a powerful FEMALE NETWORK where you can build or scale your business with the right connections, collaborations, business associates and foundation friendships.


Show up for your business every Wednesday morning from 7.30am – 9am at our FEMALE. Connections Club location TBA

20 FEMALE Women in business (hand selected) will be given the opportunity to give you best 1 minute pitch. In that minute you are to introduce yourself, best pitch about your business and if you are looking for referrals, connections or collaborations and be descriptive of what your after, so we can refer your business and help you find the perfect connection & collaboration fit!

When Does It Start: September 2024 

If you are ready to GROW or SCALE your business then FEMALE. Connect Club is for you!

We are only taking 1 business category per location. Our first location to be announced soon.

What Is The Cost:

 There is a onetime registration fee Є70 (FEMALE. Members get a further 20% off)


Quarterly with an investment of $95.00.
(FEMALE. Members get a further 20% off)

Annually with an investment of $285.00.
(FEMALE. Members get a further 20% off)

FEMALE. Connections club

We are excited to have you join!

Kindly complete the Application Form.

We will be in touch shortly to provide approval for your application and membership payment details.